Track & Trace

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The world is getting more complicated, there's little doubt. But the things that guide our purchases are always based on simple, mundane needs. A product is almost always desired as a way to sate or quiet one of these needs, if only temporarily. The problem? Complexity is upstream from fear. The more complex a thing, the harder it is to understand. And if you're a fan of the world's most famous author of horror, H.P. Lovecraft, you know what underpins and provokes fear: The unknown. As the greatly increased productivity brought about by technology and growing worldwide markets, with unprecedented levels of world trade. Unsurprisingly this boosted productivity has resulted in more products themselves - diversity of choice of previously well understood products is through the roof, let alone more technological products.
Naturally, this is foremost an exciting manifestation of a well-oiled market machine, but the shadow this casts, as all things do, is this aforementioned complexity and the growing fear, confusion and mistrust this can produce. Does this product meet local standards? If it's food, what's in or on it? Where was it made, produced or harvested/caught, and where has it been since? If fear manifests as a result of the unknown, then consumer's ironically increasing knowledge of just how much is they don't know is only making things worse.
Such issues rarely have 'silver bullet' solutions, but in the case of this, an issue raised as the result of an overflow of choice caused by the advance of markets and technology - the solution may well be technological as well. By providing consumers with clear, reliable, and direct access to track & trace, and cloud-powered answers to their many and various questions regarding products. This solution however doesn't need to be much, if any more complicated than having a website is. The technology of the web has and continues to become more and more accessible and friendly with every passing day, as does customer comprehension of these services, and it is our belief here at iDi Pac that the technology 'traditionally' thought of as the print-based label will soon find itself merely being the tip of a progressively disclosed information-iceberg, underpinned by simple, but powerful, cloud technology, with which brand-to-customer communication, feedback operations and trust-based loyalty can grow in ways as unprecedented as our present-day tech-driven market and productivity boom.
If you're interested in exploring any level of Track & Trace, or Smart Labelling to foster customer loyalty in your product(s), don't hesitate to contact us now.

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